[+351] 222 057 057 |


Informação Pessoal
Altura: 1.74
Busto: 84
Cintura: 71
Anca: 98
Cabelo: Loiro
Olhos: Verdes
Confeção: M
Calçado: 39

I think that Make me a Star is a credible and reliable agency. First of all because we are in touch regularly with the employees of the agency and there is e-mail contact whenever you participated in a casting or job.

Desfile Penafiel: It was a very well organized day. The people of the shop were very kind and I liked the clothes I had to wear.
I met a lot of new people too. Penafiel is a cozy village, it was a pleasure to participate in this event!

Casting Revista J: Ontem nós já falamos brevemente sobre o casting. Mas vou dizer-lhe novamente que foi muito bom, a mulher que nos recebeu foi gentil. Também falamos com o fotógrafo e ele parecia interessado e positivo sobre um shoot comigo e com a minha irmã. Espero que vamos ter boas notícias em breve!

Trabalho Revista J: I really liked the shoot today for Revista J. The people made me feel comfortable.
Also the lingerie was very beautiful. I am happy we had the chance to do this and I hope the results will be good!

Casting Violência Doméstica: I found this casting very interesting, I enjoyed it besides the heavy content.
The people who were guiding me were really friendly and made me feel at ease.
They gave good tips to make me perform better and they gave compliments when I did something well.
I enjoyed this casting a lot and hope I will have the chance to work with this team!

Casting Yorn: Eu e a minha irmã fizemos o casting juntas e foi muito divertido. As pessoas que trabalham lá fizeram sentir me confortável, para que eu pudesse me expressar o melhor possível.

- Desfile Penafiel
- Revista J

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